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Released in January 2000, the book is still the first and only record of the rhythmic peculiarities of the drums section of each great samba schools of Rio de Janeiro. Written for both specialists and those who want to know more about the history of samba schools, O Batuque Carioca presents not only all the instruments that make a drums section, but also its function, history and how to play each of them. After being of print for some years, in November 2011 O Batuque Carioca published its second edition expanded and revised!

The drums section of the samba schools is an orchestra of approximately 300 members, formed exclusively by percussion instruments and each school has its own style of playing.

This book rescues the musical memory of the drums, soul of the Samba Schools and assumes a fundamental role of preserving the history of this style, formally organizing the way of playing, which survives and evolves almost a century ago, thanks exclusively to oral transmission and visual.

At a time when the batteries are increasingly similar musically, transmitting their tradition and their singularities is a priceless work.  

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